Sunday, May 23, 2010

Awesome Game Companies

I am absolutely amazed with the games that are out there these days. It's not your traditional classic games anymore. My focus in this blog is Z-Man games. I have played two of their games and have falling in love all over again with games.

Pandemic is fantastic and intense! It's a co-operative games where everyone has a role. The goal is to snuff out the diseases that pop up around the world. If you can eradicate the diseases, you win the game. But it's just not that easy. As you draw cards and continue with the game, diseases will pop up. Sometimes the disease will be a pandemic and spread like wild fire. It's a great game and the rules are easy to follow. Play it once and you will be addicted.

Wasabi is one of their newest games. I know that this will be a huge hit at anime conventions where anything Japanese is wanted. Nothing like a game that you get to make sushi recipes. You gather ingredient tiles and action cards. Each chef places the tiles on the board matching the recipes that they have in their hand. If you complete a recipe with style you get bonus points in the form of wasabi cubes. This game is charming! You get little wasabi bowls and menus to hold your tiles.

As a reminder for you folks out there, Roll2Play has 10% everything off everything for the month of May. We have plenty of Pandemic and Wasabi in stock. Let me know if you have questions. I am trying to get pictures of the games and will post those later.

Have a great Sunday and here's to bringing people to the table through games!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Blog by Roll2Play

We are finally at the point that it is time to get into blogging. It's time to step up our network of gaming friends. Our goal with blogging is to describe new games that we are offering and why they should be in your household. We sell many awesome and award winning games. These games are ranked highly by other folks that play them. Check out our website Right now everything is 10% off.

Games have come a long way since the days of the classic Monopoly and Clue games. When we demonstrate these new games, it makes us smile when people get so involved that they can't sit down. That happened at our last event at the Coppell YMCA Friday night event. Refreshing the games in homes, libraries, schools and daycares is what we want to do.

We also plan to share new events that Roll2Play is sponsoring, hosting or even participating in. We will share any good news as we grow. Most of the Blogging with be done by Tiffany Franzoni, the founder of Roll2Play. Tiffany finds neat articles about games or important people in the gaming industry. She will be sure to share that will you as well. You will also see blogs from the other folks that support and get involved with Roll2Play.

As for our fans, we welcome articles, thoughts or even just sharing your ideas.

Here's to blogging!!

Roll2Play Staff